Hello tbbeta,

  First and FWIW, I like the smaller icons.

  The following items are still problematical:

    1.) From the folder list window 'tab' to the message list window,
    Ctrl-A selects all the messages (preview window still says no
    message selected), delete is not available on the right click
    menu nor does the delete key work.  Once any message has been
    selected, Ctrl-A / delete works as expected.  FWIW, there are
    other options that are also grayed that I would expect to not be.
    In particular, 'Move to' is also grayed.  However, unlike Delete,
    I can use the mouse to move the selected messages.

    2.) Tab order through Folder list -> message list -> message preview
    still stops at ... I think message preview (tough to tell when
    nothing is there to see <wink>).  In addition, it now cycles
    through the 'Quick search' list box if that is open.  This is
    mostly a nit as far as I am concerned.

    4.) Still no Key Assignment menu.  I know that is a 'back burner'
    issue, but this is a Release Candidate <wink>

    5.) Access violations: I didn't have any with 9.20 and none yet
    with RC1 either. But hopefully this can be crossed off my list
    finally <g>

    Those are the only ones I still have left on my list.

Best regards,
 MikeD                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v3.5 Return RC1 w/BayesIt! 0.8.0 Release
on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

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