Hello Gleason,  

GP> Confirm  that  icon  sizes  are  not  cut  in  half throughout the
GP> program. Confirm that check box functions are no longer reversed.
Sorry, don't get both points
GP> Loading  the  Imap  folder  hierarchy at program startup remains a
GP> problem.  The  first  time,  I  get two inboxes with folder lists.
GP>  Second  time  I  get three,  Third time I get four, etc.  Opening
GP> the  Manage  IMAP  Folders windows corrects  the situation.  After
GP> that,  TB  will return to starting with two lists next time.  The 
GP> lists  at  start  are no longer scrambled, and are complete except
GP> for one folder  containing 42 subfolders.
Do  you  use multiple connections? Does switching to single-connection
mode help?



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