Hello Alto,

M>> What do you actually mean by "not being able to use standard LF/CR
M>> handling in the editor"?
> With "Auto Format On" you can't make a paragraph (by pressing Return)
> without inserting an empty line after it. If you try it the next line
> is drawn back to append the previous one - as it should not be.

OK, understand. The thing is that I don't mind a blank line between
paragraphs. Actually I think it helps to easier or more pleasant

> If you disable "Auto Format" then no formating is done to one
> paragraph in its own. Yo can have the first line only half full with
> no Return behind it, but now the next line is not drawn back - as it
> very well should be.

Yes, with "Auto Format" off you have to Alt+L (or Alt+J, ...) to
reformat a paragraph.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.5 Return RC2 on Windows 2000 5.0 Service Pack 4

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