Hallo Alexander,

On Thu, 5 May 2005 19:46:30 +0200GMT (5-5-2005, 19:46 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

>> the special->filter menu option does not create a filter as you'd expect,
>> it does absolutely nothing

ASK> It works here. Which OS are you using? I'm using XPP+SP2.

It's working when you've got the auto-preview enabled and it doesn't
work when auto-preview is disabled. To test that:
  view -> auto preview -> uncheck
  go to another message
  specials -> create filter
You need to go to another message, it still works when you try it when
you've selected the message you were previewing when disabling the
preview function.
When you don't use auto-preview at all then it will never work.

Has been discussed before.

Groetjes, Roelof

and that is how we know the Earth is banana-shaped.

The Bat! 3.5 Return RC2
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN

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