Hello ppl,

I don't know if this issue came with latest beta because till today I haven't
tried using "Virtual Folders".

The sad point is that, at least as implemented for Bat, the Virtual Folder
concept is pretty useless for large mail base.

Yesterday I imported four big folders from mbx format. First has 24367 mails,
the second 34001, the third 23531 and the fourth 6532.

For each folder I created three virtual sub-folders, 2002, 2003 and 2004. The
results where disappointing.

1. What is the point of "Store state between sessions" if after reopening Bat
the virtual folders appears empty and I have to select "Refresh" in order to
see the messages?

2. If option "Auto refresh" is selected the speed of "refresh" is
disappointing slow after reopening the bat. Ok, it is expected since The Bat
store is not database like (If I am not mistaken .tbb are flat text files) but
5-10 minutes with CPU use ~ 95% is ludicrous. Compared to the virtual folders
of Outlook or Evolution or Thunderbird Bat is slow as paraplegic snail. Thus
"auto update" is not an option for large folder.

3. Why, oh Why, bat's waiting to close in order to "Store stated between
sessions?". Why it can't use the last stored state but tries to re-generate
the vf? It takes 2-5 minutes to close Bat with CPU utilization over 95%

I am sorry to say but ANY program I know that has virtual folders beats hands
down the bat.

George M. Menegakis, System & Network Administration
Using The BAT! v3.5 Return RC2
on Microsoft Windows XPService Pack 2 v5.1 Build(2600)

 Current beta is 3.5 Return RC/2 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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