Hello Allie,

  A reminder of what Allie Martin on TBBETA typed on:
  13 May 2005 at 13:03:28 GMT +0200

> You may well not be able to mirror my positive experience but you could
> give it a go and see.

 I'm trying it again. This time I created a new account and didn't try
 dragging my existing folders over from my POP account. Just as with Tbird
 I didn't need to create any folders, they just appeared.

 I did have to copy my filters over though, one by one. It would be nice if
 you could copy the whole lot together rather than keep switching account.

 It seems to be working OK in as much as so far I only have one of each
 folder and not 15 :)

> But then I demystified Mulberry

I'll have to have a look at that as well. Trouble is I only normally play
with other clients when I'm bored, not out of necessity.

> I can't recall that one and don't have ThunderBird installed any longer
> to fiddle around

I'll just reply again with TB!

Just one thing bothers me. How do I sync TB with the server so that what's
deleted here is also deleted there? I had trouble with that yesterday and
it's one of those little niggles that concerns me.

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