Hello Maxim!

On Tuesday, May 24, 2005, 12:26 PM, you wrote:

> Please try the updated version from the download page
> http://www.ritlabs.com/en/products/thebat/download.php

Sending mail went fine.

On attempting to download 6 messages by clicking on the Transfer
button in the Mail Dispatcher, got an AV (just as has been happening
randomly in a succession of RCs and in 3.5).

What's different: I clicked OK but the AV was replaced by a different
one, which cascaded until TB! closed itself, with no further

Mail Dispatcher AV:
Access violation at address 00A85F68 in module 'thebat.exe'.
Read of address 00000009.

I clicked "OK." Got cascading AVs:
00A85DFA, read of 00000000

The Bat! v. then closed itself.
I relaunched. Mail fetched via Mail Dispatcher with no AVs.

Before trying Receive Mail, I saved this half-written message in the

I went to the Outbox and clicked on the file (the only saved message
at present). Got doubled AVs for that,
Address 00A85DFA, read of address 00000000.

Clicked OK. Got yet another and different AV; clicked OK, still
another. With the AV window up, could not close TB!

Invoked Task Manager. Ended TB! Relaunched.

This mail loaded in the Edit Mail Message window without problems.

I'm afraid this is going to turn out to be another unreproducible (at
will) set of AVS. :(

Just thought I'd report these two problems, the only ones encountered
so far with

Best regards,
The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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