Apparently we're also missing in Customize (see earlier message about
View-Display and View Modes) the Utilities-Insert-Insert Quick
Template dropdown list function, so that it can't be assigned a
shortcut or put on a toolbar button. (Insert Quick Template is
available, but useless: It pops up a message informing you that the
handle "" isn't found.)

The question is (and someone may have recently addressed this), why is
such a potentially useful function as a QT picklist buried so far down
in the main menu? Further, why couldn't the Ctrl + Shft + Q
(create/edit/delete quick template) function also include an Insert
button? This picklist menu, which features a scroll bar, is far
superior to the one available under Utilities, and making
one list do the work of two (at least in this instance) is a more
eloquent solution.

The ability to quickly insert bits and pieces of oft-used text is a very
powerful tool.  Please make it easier to get to.


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