Hi Manuel

POP  quiz!  If  a weasel goes POP, what manner of beast goes IMAP? A really evil
badger, perhaps?

And  is  it  just  me,  or  does the fact that IMAP is an anagram of MAPI strike
anyone else as horribly sinister? ;)

>> IIRC,  someone  posted to the list some time ago about messages sent via IMAP
>> being reproduced many times.

MB> There were many messages that described this odd behavior. I myself wrote
MB> something about that, but at this time, I could stick it to
MB> synchronization.

Aha!  Now  that  you  mention it, me too. :) Just tested all the options, and no
synchronisation is the only way I don't get dupes.

MB> That  means, I didn't get any duplicates since I turned synchronization off.
MB> Before  that  I synchronized new headers only. But please don't ask me why I
MB> did that. ;)

Wh- Wh- Wh- OK, you win - I won't ask. :) I thought it might improve
performance. I was wrong. :)

MB> This  is  a  good  example  for  your last paragraph and your hint to hiding
MB> information  and  Model-View-Controller. IMO there are far to much options -
MB> synchronization for example with 6 different options is very confusing.

I  suppose  the  IMAP protocol offers the options, so perhaps the team feel they
ought  to  include  them all. Perhaps if one has a lot more IMAP experience - or
with  an updated help file - it's a piece of cake. I certainly feel I need to do
more  work  on  understanding  the  intricacies  of IMAP to make the most out of
betaing TB! using IMAP.

>> Anyway,  I  spotted this problem with my account in the following
>> circumstances.

MB> Hmm, I couldn't reproduce it at that time in any way. I was just normal that
MB> each  new and/or non-cached message showed up at least twice times.

It pretty much happened every time I replied to anything anywhere - but not when
I created a new message from scratch. I tried corresponding with three different
accounts  with  varying permutations of To, Cc and Bcc, with and without subject
and/or  body,  and  the  same thing happened every time. (Didn't post all those,
because I thought my message had already gone on so long it should've received a
Big Fat Trout just for waffling, even if it was on topic. :) )

MB> This was valid for all folders and especially annoying in tbbeta, when there
MB> were 60 really new messages and I had to cope with about 120 messages... :/


>>   1. Sent a subscription request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from the
>> IMAP   account.

>>      A single copy of the message appeared in the Sent folder.

MB> Just to make it a bit shorter. For me this would certainly have been a
MB> duplicate too.

Perhaps I just got lucky. :)

>> A  small sample on which to base an opinion, I know, but FWIW here it is
>> anyway.

MB> Thank  you  very  much  for this huge test and your great briefing. I'm sure
MB> others can confirm in that way.

Thank you. I'm very happy to be doing it.

>> In  this  case, at least, I suspect this of being a glitch in the UI rather
>> than in the send/receive functionality.

MB> Now  it  would  be  interesting  if  your  tests  were  based  on a bat with
MB> synchronization  turned  on  or  off. Most (do I have to say all?!) people I
MB> know  who had problems with message multiplication on IMAP got it sorted out
MB> with turning synchronization off.

I'll join those ranks. :)

MB> As noticed in my first paragraph - this is too much. A German "saying" would
MB> be "well meant". Don't know if this fit's for English too.

I think it does, yes. And ICAM.

MB> This is a function-overflow for both, technical and non-technical users. One
MB> just  doesn't  know  how  to  use which option and what effect belongs to an
MB> option.

Agreed. I think this is one of those occasions on which it would be nice to have
a 'basic' UI with 'advanced' options set apart.

MB> I  needed  help  to  get TB! working with IMAP as far as TB! can. The ones I
MB> "learnt" from needed help themselves or just went like trial & error. ;)

TAE  has  been  my approach to date. I think now, though, it's time for a little
research. :)

In  the  next exciting episode, I knit a nice warm hat for the winter using only
broken threads. :)


The Bat! 3.5.26 on Windows XP Professional 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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