On Monday, June 20, 2005 at 3:43:03 PM [GMT -0500], Peter Fjelsten

> Define large, please

I don't know if there's a threshold like a light switch that makes TB!
suddenly start misbehaving.

One things for sure, it will work a lot better with folders containing
less that say 1000 messages than folders containing thousands of

Additionally, it has to be many folders with thousands of messages,
rather than just one. I had an account with 2 folders. One contained
16000 messages and the other 8000. TB! seemed fine with that. TB! will
not be bogged down enough by one or two folders with several thousand
messages. However, if you have say 10 folders with at least 4000 messages
each, you may start seeing problems crop up.

Again these are arbitrary examples. I don't have a specific threshold
and doubt that every users threshold is the same. This likely depends on
the server being used, as well as the connection speeds. Secured vs
plain connections will also make a difference. SSL connections are more
bandwidth intensive.

  -= Allie Martin =-
The Bat!™ v3.5.30
System Specs: http://www.ac-martin.com/sysspecs.htm
Going out of my mind, back in 5 minutes.

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