Hello all,

I did a folder maintenance and came across a strange thing: some of my
sent mails showed my rogue, which would be pretty normal if they had
been sent from this account. But that specific account had no x- rogue
in it's template included and yet I clearly saw my picture.
I haven't done much further research yet, but can anyone see in her/his
sent-folders if this effect is only on my machine or if it might be
a real bug?

Sometimes I rightclick a file in windows explorer and send it via TB,
where we know that an active account is not always set (rightclick TB
tray-icon to see this), sometimes  I go to the desired account and hit
F5, write my mail and attach the file before sending. So I can't be more
specific, it might be the way I send a file or write a mail, but I am
not sure about it at all. Or did I miss something?
Individual settings in address book are no explanation either, the ones
I think of were to be sent without "%SetHeader("X-Rogue",":c_f:")%-"

Glad about any information about it!

Charlene Ferrara

Using The Bat! v3.5.0.31 on 
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.5.31 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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