On Wednesday, June 29, 2005 at 6:22:08 AM [GMT -0500], Tony Boom wrote:

> I'm rapidly getting upset now, how do you get your messages to load?

As I had explained in another message.... unlike Mulberry.. TB! needs to
update and propagate caches of the entire message list for each mailbox.
If you haven't used TB! in a while, and your mailboxes are large, this
could take a while to happen.

Additionally, I have none of my mailboxes set to synchronize. I do most
filtering server side.

Otherwise, I just go about my business reading mail. I do nothing
special. No gyrations, either at home or at work.

This is just my personal experience with it at this time.

  -= Allie Martin =-
The Bat! v3.5.33
System Specs: http://www.ac-martin.com/sysspecs.htm
Oxymoron: Simple Technology.

 Current beta is 3.5.33 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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