On Monday, July 11, 2005 @ 9:49:02 PM [-0700], Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

>> Ok. I guess my response then is UNCONFIRMED. Works for me. :)

> Forward me any HTML message *inline*, please. Thats the whole point.

> You hit "fwd" and the HTML editor opens? That doesn't happen. TB can't do
> that. When you hit fwd on an HTML message, no matter what you do, you'll
> get an attachment, either .EML or the original HTML message, and a
> plaintext message in your editor. Even if your default editor is the HTML
> editor.

> Do the same in Thunderbird, M2, Outlook, whatever & you'll have the
> original HTML message in the editor. That is called *inline* forwarding,
> and that what I said that I hope to eventually get in TB in my very first
> message in this thread.

> Until that happens, the least I expected when dealing with Exchange was...
> blabla, I repeat myself over and over, this is getting boring.

Sorry. See <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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