Hi Allie Martin,
On Saturday, July 02, 2005, you wrote:

I've been playing some serious catch up. Work is being incredibly
evil, so I'm having issues keeping up at the moment....

> I've been using TB! IMAP quite comfortably.

As have I more recently.

> However, I'm now having an Inbox problem that doesn't seem to affect
> other mailboxes. I'm therefore considering a workaround. It's then
> that it struck me that I use a lot of workarounds with TB!. I'll
> list them here so that others and the developers know that I don't
> just use TB! IMAP, but I have to coax it to work.

Hehe, you love the work arounds too? ;)

> - I avoid working with large mailboxes, i.e., no more than 4000
> messages per mailbox. This may be even less if I end up having say 5
> or more folders with a large amount of messages.

Generally, I agree. I recently created an archive folder for my TB
folders, and then split each folder by year. I didn't realize I had
mail for TBUDL, and TBOT going back to 2002. Moving those messages
around too me 4 days as I had to move them by a few months at a time
as TB would appear to "hang" when setting the message flags.

> - I currently don't subscribe to my junk mail or other mailboxes
> that I check infrequently. I check those via webmail.

I do the same unfortunately.

> I do this because they interfere with smooth reading of unread mail
> while jumping from mailbox to mailbox automatically. I wish I could
> be subscribed to a mailbox but not have its counts updated unless I
> explicitly request it.

See, this is where I get confused. On my settings, I have "don't
synchronize" on all, and I don't have it set to peek inside certain
folders for mail counts, and yet it still goes inside every folder to
see the contents. I'm guessing that has something to do with the
account option "Synchronize folders ever x minutes" under the IMAP
fine tune. It'd be nice if the folder level settings would work in
conjunction with the account level setting, and only synchronize those
that you request.

> - I don't use a server side Outbox. It's just troublesome and often
> leads to multiple messages being sent and multiple messages being in
> the outbox when using the intermittent save option while composing.

I've not used it, or even attempted to use it since my last hell with
it where I flooded TBBETA with 9 of the same message. Despite it being
reported being fixed, I still have my doubts.

> - I don't filter much with TB!

I have server side filtering, I don't both with TB's filtering. From
what I've heard of IMAP and TB filtering, it's not particularly
effective, and buggy in places.

> - I avoid opening large attachments in my lower bandwidth
> environment.

I'm fortunately in both the fact that I have a fast connection at home
and work, /and/ nobody really sends me attachments :)

> I save them for when I get home. I may get multiple attachments in a
> single message, with a few being appropriate for viewing in a low
> bandwidth setting. However, TB! is all or none with attachment
> retrieval.

It'd be good if they used IMAP to it's full potential and only fetch
what is needed to be fetched. It's not too difficult, they fetch the
message structures, so they know the entity ids for each
part/attachment, it's not that difficult to tell it to fetch only
certain parts.

> - I don't use any of the synchronise settings for any of my
> mailboxes. I disable synchronization for all mailboxes.

Same here.

> - I no longer use the ticker. I may revisit this since I haven't
> tried it in a long time.

I don't remember if I've noticed the issue you mentioned in your
follow up msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] in a while.  I
know it used to happen to me, and was a bit more of the virtual folder
changing from the ticker view to the active message's folder view on
new mail.  I'll have to keep an eye open.

> - I don't manage my mailboxes using TB!. I do it server side, i.e.,
> mailbox creations and deletions or making a folder a sub-folder o
> another.

I ended up doing the same the other day after it took 2 minutes to
create a single folder, and the interface would just "hang" while it
was doing it.

>  and my latest addition that I'm currently contemplating.

> - setting up a server side filter to move all unfiltered mail to another
> mailbox so that I don't have to use the Inbox.

I, to be honest, don't have any issues with my INBOX. What issues are
you having? I could very well be having them, just subconsciously
ignoring them ;)

Here is another annoyance for you. Multiple connections. I know I've
spoken to you about them in the past, and you had issues with more
than a certain number of connections. I recently noticed that TB's
handling of multiple connections leaves a little to be desired. From
behaviour, not saying this is how it is done, jobs/tasks are thrown at
all the connections, possibly in sequence without checking to see if
other connections are busy, or free. I have two connections set on
mine, the other day during my mail reorganization, I found that my
second connection was free, while my first one was doing the COPY of
messages from one folder to the other. Looking in the connection
center showed 35 other tasks to be done, and they waited. This was
while connection 2 was free, and not doing anything. As soon as my
copy/set flags was done, all the other tasks then started to run, they
had ALL been queued on connection one. I've this happen quite a lot,
it seems to me the logic is slightly wrong.  I would use one of the
two logics below, or something like this:

  - a task is added to a queue
  - each connection polls the queue for things to do


  - a task is added to a central queue manager
  - the queue manager keeps a track of the state of each connection
    (this would include the active folder for the connection)
  - the queue manager would hand out a task to the next free
    connection, OR if there was a connection active on a folder that
    had another task queued for it, that task would be bumped up the
    queue to the connection that had the folder active

As I said, I'm not sure what logic they are currently using, but it
seems that when a list of tasks comes in, it doesn't smartly hand out
the tasks at all, and just gives them to whatever connection is there,
even busy ones.
Jonathan Angliss

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