On 7/25/05, 9Val <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> JW>  many TB users will probably prefer to
> JW> stick with a safe and stable version - one that has all of the
> JW> components that they need and most of the components that they want.
> 3.51  is  more  stable than 3.5.30 and has the same components. If you
> are  refering  to - it is your choice to use it or any other
> version.  In  some  aspects  3.5  is far superior than older versions,
> while  in  some  it  really  lacks  maturity  (in  example, customizer
> interface).  So  the choice which version to use fully depends of your
> needs.

Actually, 3.5.36 works better with Gmail than But I am not
talking about my options as a beta tester but rather the options of
the general TB user. When I look at the TB download page, I see an
option to download 3.51, 2.12, and 1.62. I don't see an option to
download or even 3.5.30. So these options that you talk about
9Val are more for the beta testers than the TB users.

But, personally, two things are of most interest to me in respect to 3.51:

   o Can I rely on MicroEd to not distort the text of my email messages?

   o  Will it give me an OTFE implementation that I can use (i.e. that
will search my message base without hanging and also preserve my
settings while migrating)?

I cannot even consider using 3.51 unless I know that 3.51 will not do
something unexpected to the text that I am writing. And, while I might
use 3.51 if the content is preserved accurately, I won't feel
satisfied with the release if I cannot use OTFE because of the search
problem or if migrating to OTFE becomes a very painful process due to
loss of settings. 9Val, can you please clarify the situation with 3.51
in respect to the above two questions.

Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro (No OTFE) 3.5.36

 Current beta is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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