Hello Stuart,

On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 07:06:09 -0500 GMT (27/07/2005, 19:06 +0700 GMT),
Stuart Cuddy wrote:

SC> Unless you have a specific reason for sorting by Received time you may
SC> want  to  switch  by Created time. This way replies are usually after
SC> the original message.

I have a specific reason to sort by received time instead of created
time, and that is that many people don't seem to have their computer
clocks set correctly. Like years or centuries wrong, but sometimes
exactly 12 hours (I figure those people are not sure about the meaning
of am and pm). I received message from Germans in Thailand who have
set their computer clocks to Thai time but the time zone stills shows
+0200 GMT. Oh well.

But I have not experienced the problem that Fabio describes. Over
here, it looks like TB is sorting the messages in the same order it
receives them from the server.



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drier at passing traffic, and watch it slow down.

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