Hello Marek,

On Wednesday, July 27, 2005 at 19:40:44 GMT +0200 (which was 19:40:44
where I live), Marek Mikus wrote and made these valuable points on the
subject of "3.51.10 Muggle Bat":

> Hello all,
> Wednesday, July 27, 2005, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

>> Probably. I see the same empty menu item as you. But I am not willing
>> to delete my tbuser.def file, because I don't know what I will have to
>> reconfigure.

>> What's the way out?

> Wizards item in Tools menu was available in older builds, but it was
> hided in thebat.exe already. When is new tbuser.def created, item is
> not displayed.

> But if was tbuser.def created by old betaversion with this item
> included, it can't be automatically hided by new build, current
> version can't delete only part of tbuser.def.

> Now You have more ways to solve this:

> - delete tbuser.def (You loose all GUI settings)

> - reset "Main form" in Customiser (You loose only menu changes in
>   main window)

> - delete part from tbuser.def manually:
>   close TB
>   open tbuser.def
>   find following part:

>>    <hr>
>>    container item [MailerForm].[mWizards]
>>    {
>>      item [MailerForm].[Wizards]
>>      <hr>
>>      item [MailerForm].[mwDownloadWizards]
>>    }
>   delete it

> Enjoy :-)
Uuhhh...any hints how I can achieve this when I'm using OTFE, i.e. having a 
tbuser.EEF file rather than a tbuser.def?

Best regards,

Better living through denial.

Using The Bat! v3.51.10 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600 Service Pack 2

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