8/21/2005  6:38 AM

Hi Thomas,

On 8/21/2005 Thomas Fernandez wrote:

PVN>> You didn't do it until sometime _after_ v. which is only a
PVN>> few months.
PVN>> When reading a message the Tab sequence moves to the attachment after
PVN>> the message body. No problem here. The attachment is accessed _after_
PVN>> the message which is appropriate.

TF> I have no fixed opinion about
TF> the order, whether the message pane should be reached by tabbing
TF> before or after the body. Important for me is that the message pane
TF> can be reached in the tab sequence at all.
[Shift][Tab] which is not an editing command will cycle you to the
attachment pane when writing a message. IMO using a hotkey such as
[Ctrl][Shift][A] is easier and faster than a tab sequence. It makes
the use of the editor conform and sets apart the management of the
attachments as a purposeful act rather than stumbling over it using a
tab sequence to create/edit a message.

TF> I do open the attachment of *every* message I write, in order to check
TF> whether it's really the file I meant to access. I can do that before
TF> or after writing the actual message, so I don't care which gets
TF> acessed first. Others may care more about the order, so I am not
TF> making this a point.
Again, the use of a hotkey would be faster and more purposeful and
allow access to the attachment pane very quickly at any time. You
would know you are there since you purposely executed a command to
bring you there. Give it some thought...

Take Care,

The Bat! v. on Win2k SP4-Rollup1 5.0.2195 

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