Hello beta testers.

 I this beta series I have had several instances where drafts in the
 remote outbox are not deleted when a new version is auto-saved. Even
 when the message is sent, there remains a number of previous versions
 there as parked versions. This is for Exchange and MailMax. Anyone else
 seeing this?

 Also, I still have hanging, "locked" connections that hold up the rest
 of the connection queue. When this connection is deleted, all the rest
 spring to life and behave as supposed to. Primarily noticed this on

<greeting> Best regards </greeting>  
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author> 
<thebat version> 3.60.03 Forerunner (Beta) Pro </thebat version>
<env.> ~12 POP3, 4 IMAP (MailMax 5.5) & 1 IMAP (Exchange 6.5), 175K msgs. 
<os> Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1 </os>


 Current beta is 3.60.03 forerunner | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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