Hello tbbeta,

If  one  of  you  use  other  interface  than  English:  in  new betas
(v3.61.x),  the  translator  is  not able to widen the buttons, if the
translation IS IMPOSSIBLE to fit on the buttons, even labels.

My question, request: PLEASE, check your v3.61.x beta, and look for
something like this on buttons, labels:
Some text|xxxxxxxxxx
where X is an 8-digit number.

That "|xxxxxxxxxx" used to tell TB! how to widen the button to be able
to  fit  the  translation  on that button. WE NEED this possibility on
Hungarian, but I can imagine, that German interface or any other, also
needs.  If  it is observed in other languages, I would like to "force"
Ritlabs to put back this useful feature...

See attach pic from the Hungarian Search window...

Thanks for your support.

The Bat 3.61.07 Echo (Beta) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 1

Attachment: hun.gif
Description: GIF image

 Current beta is 3.61.07 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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