I have my TBBETA/TBOT list automagically filtered from my account
inbox to a common folder. I edited a folder template for my TBBETA
common folder so I could reply to a post. After finishing the edit, I
went back to the list and could not reply. The reply, reply to all,
redirect, forward, delete, mark as junk buttons were greyed out on the
toolbar and the right-click drop down menu was completely greyed out,
even copy/move to folder, save as etc. I had to restart TB! to get
back to normal. I have tried to duplicate this but cannot. Anyone else
seen this?




               :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.61.12 Echo (Beta) Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.61.12 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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