Hallo tbbeta,

  I started TB with the focus on a message that I read several times
  before without problems, so the error was most likely due to a
  downloaded message:

The Bat!
Access violation at address 00404C8B in module 'thebat.exe'. Read of address 

My log was saying:

,----- [  ]
|  21-10-2005, 11:49:36: FETCH - 6 messages in the mailbox, 6 new
|  21-10-2005, 11:49:37: FETCH - Received message from Luann <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, size: 1319 bytes, subject: "Mike sent these two nude girls"
|  21-10-2005, 11:49:37: FETCH - Received message from %s, size: %d bytes, 
subject: "%s"
|  21-10-2005, 11:49:37: FETCH - Received message from 3
|  21-10-2005, 11:49:37: FETCH - Received message from 4
|  21-10-2005, 11:49:37: FETCH - Received message from 5
|  21-10-2005, 11:49:37: FETCH - Received message from 6
| >21-10-2005, 11:49:37: FETCH - received message from 1
| >21-10-2005, 11:49:38: FILTER - Message from "Luann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject Mike sent these two nude girls scored 99, 
qualified as JUNK MAIL
| >21-10-2005, 11:49:38: FETCH - received message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (1319 
bytes), URL: msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| >21-10-2005, 11:49:38: FETCH - received message from 3
| >21-10-2005, 11:49:38: FETCH - received message from 4
| >21-10-2005, 11:49:38: FETCH - received message from 5
| >21-10-2005, 11:49:39: FETCH - received message from 6

  The second part of the log (with the filters that have been
  triggered) starts with a different first message (I called it '1')
  but that message was from the same mailinglist and there was nothing
  special about it. Neither in the message as stored in TB's message
  base nor as stored in the archive of my mail server.
  The [EMAIL PROTECTED] message was caught by BayesIt and that
  explains the additional 'FILTER' log line.

Groetjes, Roelof

KEYBOARD - An instrument used for entering errors into a computer.

The Bat! 3.61.13 Echo (Beta)
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Attachment: pgpQcaIuQYnW6.pgp
Description: PGP signature

 Current beta is 3.61.13 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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