Clive Taylor wrote:
--On 26/10/2005 08:25 -0500 -=Curtis=- wrote:

Not here it doesn't with a rock-solid 2Mb connection in the south of England. TB hangs, sulks and falls asleep on the job constantly.

Agree, I use a 3MB DSL connect, and now, courtesy of my new job, I am using a free 8MB cable connection. Both are solid, consistent connects with low noise and no lost packets. Thunderbird and Mulberry work flawlessly with my Fastmail IMAP, TB! is senile and geriatric.

 > Mulberry runs rings around TB! when the bandwidth is
borderline. TB! becomes usable with high available bandwidth

I have inflicted high line noise and throttled my bandwidth on both my broadband connects. Mulberry works great, Thunderbird works, but slightly degraded and TB! packs it in and goes home despite fiddling with precise counters, number of connects etc. BTW, why are these (counters etc.) a feature in TB! anyways? Every other IMAP client ticks along fine without these options, or are they a way for the user to overcome shortcomings in the client instead of actually fixing the blasted thing? Just thinking out loud....

I can't think of ANY version of TB! where its performance has been faster than Mulberry by a wide margin.

And don't forget accurate, I've never seen Mulberry display the wrong message body, forget how to count etc etc



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