Curtis wrote:

- I've given up on TB! IMAP for now since it let me down again when put
to the test with a low bandwidth situation. It's no longer fun fiddling
around. I just want it to work. It will become fun again, when real
changes are being made and I can test them. So since nothing much is
happening for IMAP, I'll stick with apps that work all the time.

It's a core issue. At it's core, TB! is supposed to be a fully functional e-mail client, ie send/receive mail by POP, POPS, SMTP, IMAP and IMAPS; period, dot, end of mission statement. Everything else is ancillary to this function and is not a core feature. What we have here is a rotten core with a bunch cool features hung on it. That just won't do, it is called an e-mail client for a reason, but it doesn't do that job. But, by goodness, we can filter and file what we can't receive... Makes sense to me... :(

I said it before and I'll say it again... Using an e-mail client requires the end-user to completely trust the developer to deliver a product that will allow that end-user to reliably communicate without the client losing, eating, ignoring etc. e-mails. To me, that trust is gone and will not easily be replaced. I no longer recommend TB! to others and I have had a few business clients inquire about TB!; the answer is no, it is not to be trusted with critical business communications, especially in an IMAP environment. It's high time to put the horse back in front of the cart....



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