Hello Curtis,

>> What about trying View/Message List Tabs? ;-)
> This was not in my view menu, but since you have it, I had to go hunting
> for it in the customiser (and boy, was it a hunt), found it, and added
> it.

That's probably because you had customised your menus before the 'Hide'
option was introduced. This happened to me and what I did was to re-do
my customisation from scratch and using the Hide option instead of
Remove. That way, when you go into Customise, you can always see the
'full menu' even though you may have to select each of the options to
verify which ones you have hidden. This is why I have logged this BT
wish that you may want to support:


and perhaps these two also:


> So, if we customize our menus in anyway and there's a new menu addition
> by Ritlabs, does our customization and departing from the default menus
> prevent the addition of the new item to our own customised menus?

I don't think so. If it is a new menu entry I think it would/should
appear in your customised menu because you have not either removed it or
hidden it. But I'm not sure, because I'm not sure now how customised
menus are saved in tbuser.def. Hmmmm..., I'll have to take a look.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.63.15 (Beta) on Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 2

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