On Wednesday, December 21, 2005, at 11:23 AM, Stuart Cuddy

> Yes, I am not having a problem with CPU usage.

I discovered that I had TB! set to animate the tray icon when new
messages arrive. It uses 16-17% of my CPU cycles!!! This is a 2.5GHz
Celeron processor. Wow! A tiny little icon animated. :) I've since
switched it off.

> Agreed. I seem to have to Clear Cache to get rid of unwanted
> remnants.

Right. I have to clear the Inbox cache when I get to work and when I
get home from work. The cache updating and synching with the server is
broken. It will add new entries to the index for folders, but it will
not delete old ones that aren't on the server.

-= Curtis=-
Using TB! v3.63.15 (Beta)
System Specs: http://specs.aimlink.name
...As easy as 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716

 Current beta is 3.63.16 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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