On Friday, December 23, 2005, 10:41:46, Vilius Šumskas wrote:

> No, no and no. Charset selection *never* was intended to be  
> user-defined option. It is plain wrong how nowadays email clients  
> handles this. Charset must be set by MUA automatically.

Not necessarily - sometimes you may want to send a message to somebody who
has old client (and you know that), that can't handle UTF8, but handles some
other encoding. What Dialog does, is let you specify the preferred order of
character sets to use - if there are no 8bit characters, it'll automatically
use US-ASCII, and if there are 8bit characters, it'll search down the list
of preferred charsets until it finds one that covers all characters you
used. Dialog's way of doing this has it's downsides, since you can't force a
charset for a single message.

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< http://deepthought.ena.si/ >

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