Hello 9Val,

V>> description for TB! API, the source of the MyMacros plugin, but I dont
V>> see how that "MyMacros settings" window opens when I Configure that
V>> plugin... Or maybe I dont have the full source code of the plugin.
> Your  plugin  should export TBP_NeedConfig, TBP_Setup functions. First
> should  return  non-zero  value  if plugin could be configured and the
> second one returns zero if the setup finished successfully.

That  is  clear  for me. But HOW is it possible to display a TForm????
NOONE  could  answer  it yet... I asked the MyMacro author, he sent me
the  code of 1.07, but that does not display a form, asked him for the
1.11, no answer for that....

Where should I put something like Form1.Show or something?

The Bat 3.81.04 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2

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