Hello Richard,

Thursday, August 31, 2006, 3:22:38 PM, you wrote:
> Fairynuf but why should I have the problem whereas Daniel, with the
> same version of Opera as me, can open the page perfectly when
> clicking on the link in the email?

I also believed that the '--' in the URL was what was throwing TB. I
decided to test it real quick and sent the link to my work e-mail
which is via Outlook (same machine though). I get the same error
there. So it's not TB. I'm confused that you're on Opera and get the
same error I do. I'll have to think on this.

> Strange indeed but not life threatening. Leif threatening, maybe :-)

Agreed.... I've only ever run into this problem with just that domain
name, and I've only gone there maybe three times in the last year
or two (he throws up some PHP stuff that interests me occasionally).
Since it happened across multiple versions of FF, and I've never seen
anything on the mailinglist where others complained about not getting
there I figured the only thing left was TB.

Me threatening? Nah... Well, unless I'm wielding a trout!

Anyway, I cc'd this to TBOT so we can discuss more since it's not a TB

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