10/14/2006  12:12 AM


On 10/13/2006 MAU wrote:

>>> After all, TB is just an e-mail client and not a graphics or image
>>> processing package. The fact that they are received as email attachments
>>> doesn't mean TB should fully "understand" them. Would you also expect TB
>>> to open and print *.doc, *.xls or *.pdf attachments if you don't have MS
>>> Word, Excel or Acrobat Reader installed in your system?

M> Looking at this issue a bit more closely I think TB is not doing the
M> printing at all. Who does the printing seems to depend on file type
M> associations. In my case, I have tried with *.png, *.jpg and *.gif, and
M> for these file types it is the Windows (XP) images and fax viewer.

With Irfanview installed and [Use External Viewer] enabled in
Preferences one has control over the situation, fast and easy!

Take Care,

Voyager v.3.85.03 on Win2k SP4-Rollup1 5.0.2195
No IMAP  OTFE  Opera 8.5

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