On Tue, 5 Dec 2006 17:07:24 +0100
 "Alexander S. Kunz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hello Wolffe & everyone else,
>on 04-Dez-2006 at 23:52 you (Wolffe) wrote:
>> Both 07 and 08 failed. Am back to 06 again. Below is a log extract
>> for both a good and a failure, trimmed and cleaned for brevity:
>good connection:
>> [17:38:20]  C: EHLO CRICKET
>no connection:
>> [17:42:53]  C: EHLO localhost
>A lot of ISPs are blocking the connection if the sending SMTP client is
>sending a HELO of "localhost", "friend", "", etc. because they
>are a typical identifier for botnet zombies.
>I just verified this. TB is sending "EHLO localhost" here as well. Thats
>definitely a very bad idea, it should use the machine name (or even
>better, the identifier for the HELO state should be configurable). I'm
>glad that my provider doesn't use HELO blocking yet.
>Good catch, Wolffe!

Thanks for the confirmation and the BT. I added the note that I am one
getting hit by this and in a release it can be a show stopper.

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