Hello Tbbeta,

I have an application called Activewords that, among other things will
correct spelling mistakes as I type. (very useful normally, but
especially when the spell checker is not working) The way it works is
by keeping a list of commonly misspelled words and when you make a
mistake when you push the space at the end of the word it
automatically replaces the misspelled word with the correctly spelled
word. The problem is in this last alpha or two it has stopped
replacing the word and now just adds the correct spelling. Here are
some examples:

mispelledmisspelled tehthe amoungamong  accrossacross

I'm not sure if anyone on the list would have this application, but
this is definitely a problem just introduced in Micro-ed. Has anyone
else come across this.

 Stuart                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v4.0.0.16 (ALPHA) on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

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