Hi Maxim,
On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, at 22:10:44 [GMT +0200] (which was 21:10 where I live) 
you wrote about: ' Release Candidate'

> http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/thebat_pro_4-0-0-22.msi

This MSI still shows two radio buttons without text when TheBat is 
still running. I think it would be a good idea to fix that before you 
release it. This doesn't look very professional.

By the way: I had TB closed, but it still takes VERY long to shut down

I have reported that issue a while ago, but see no improvement. I 
checked what TB is doing, and it seems to be writing msgs.dump for 
all virtual folders, even though I have not checked the 'save state 
between sessions' option.

Robert van der Hulst

Using The Bat! on Windows Vista.6.0.6000 


 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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