Hello Bill,

On Thu, 14 Feb 2008 23:48:03 -0600 GMT (15/02/2008, 12:48 +0700 GMT),
Bill McCarthy wrote:

BM> I can switch to it by right clicking, clicking on Viewer Profiles
BM> and finally clicking on "Plain Text" - what a waste of time.
BM> Before I just presses Shift-Ctrl-T to toggle between text and rich
BM> text.

BM> How do I do that? That is, how do I toggle between Default and
BM> "Plain Text" with a single shortcut or, if not possible, have a
BM> short cut for each defined Viewer Profile?

I don't think it is possible at the moment, but would like to see



What to not say to the nice policeman: I was going to be a cop, but I
decided to finish high school instead.

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