Guten Tag Maxim Masiutin,

am Mittwoch, 12. März 2008 um 14:27 schrieben Sie:

> Hello Tbbeta,

> Voyager 4 BETA URL 

> Hunspell dictionaries do not work in it yet. Please test other
> capabilities and let us know the results! Thanks!

How do i register the installed Voyager App?!?

Christian Grams
Microsoft Certified Trainer
IT-Consultant (IT-Sicherheit)
Grams IT-Dienste
Mittelstrasse 18
34277 Fuldabrück
Tel.: +49 561 8203156
Fax : +49 561 8203155
Mob.: +49 163 7779065
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 Current beta is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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