> Hi all,

> has anyone tried to create a new filter in the latest Voyager?

> I find my new filter being processed according to the account log,
> but the indicated action is not performed.

With Voyager I have other bad experience: I have fresh
installation on my new pendrive and Voyager works extremely slow.
Recieving messages can take up to 20 minutes per one account; on my
previous pendrive with older version of Voyager it worked smooth and
fast. Now it is almost unusable :(
IMVHO there is something wrong with filter actions and/or I/O operation
on encrypted messagebases - if I turn off all my filters, recieving
e-mails works fine; when I try to move message from one folder to another
it takes very long time.

ps. I do not suspect the pendrive - this new one is faster than old one
(I mean: it has higher speed od writing and reading).

Best regards, Krzysztof Kudłacik
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