Hello Eddie,

Glad to see you got it working.

<snipped quite a bit>

> BTW - what RDDfeeder would you recommend to more easily create the
> opml or xml file through exporting? It should be a slick tool with no
> much of fancy functions. Just the ability in adding a feed and then
> exporting it. And free to use.

Anyone will do, even Internet Explorer, as long what you are dealing 
with and doing. That is, you are using a plugin called RSS2POP to 
convert RSS feeds to POP (email) that TB can import. Therefore, this 
'email' must contain some mandatory headers (From, To, Subject, etc.) 
and also contain some 'user headers' (X- type). This plugin specifically 


Two of which are used in the "recommended" (not mandatory) filter. And
it happens that RSS2POP 'constructs' these headers from the <outline>
XML elements (it seems to accept <parent> also) and sub-elements, and
their corresponding 'text' and/or 'title' attributes, in an OPML file.
'Text' is a mandatory attribute and 'tile' is not.

Here you have a couple of excerpts from:


,----- [What is an <outline>?  ]
| An <outline> is an XML element containing at least one required
| attribute, text, and zero or more additional attributes. An <outline>
| may contain zero or more <outline> sub-elements. No attribute may be
| repeated within the same <outline> element.

,----- [ Subscription lists ]
| A subscription list is a possibly multiple-level list of subscriptions
| to feeds. Each sub-element of the body of the OPML document is a node of
| type rss or an outline element that contains nodes of type rss.
| Today, most subscription lists are a flat sequence of rss nodes, but
| some aggregators allow categorized subscription lists that are
| arbitrarily structured. A validator may flag these files, warning that
| some processors may not understand and preserve the structure.
| Required attributes: type, text, xmlUrl. For outline elements whose type
| is rss, the text attribute should initially be the top-level title
| element in the feed being pointed to, however since it is user-editable,
| processors should not depend on it always containing the title of the
| feed. xmlUrl is the http address of the feed.
| Optional attributes: description, htmlUrl, language, title, version.
| These attributes are useful when presenting a list of subscriptions to a
| user, except for version, they are all derived from information in the
| feed itself.

I wasn't born knowing this, but I did some googling and reading ;-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.1.9.3 on Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 3

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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