[Reply to: »Volker Ahrendt« · 2009-04-29 · 17:42 h (CET)]

> [Reply to: »Maxim Masiutin« · 2009-04-29 · 15:59 h (CET)]

>>>>But the test section – even for messages that are automatically
>>>>created by sorting office filters or by mass mailing quick
>>>>templates – is IMHO of no real need.

>> That's why we have implemented the "More" button. Those who do not
>> need it, won't click "More" button and won't be confused.

One addition: The confusion is caused by this:

    => <mid:1663363721.20090428112...@ahrendt.net>

And that has nearly nothing to do with the [More]-Button. So please
think about my dialog draft. :-)


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