Hello MAU,

> Has anybody else had problems with them? For example:

> ,----- [ In PTV ]
> | Aquí sí hay algo sombra la Samsung GX20:
> | http://www.ciao.es/Samsung_GX_20__1203495
> `-----

> ,----- [ In RTV ]
> | Aquí sí hay algo sombra la Samsung GX20:
| _1203495">>http://www.ciao.es/Samsung_GX_20__1203495
> |
> | Where the '_1203495">' also appears in blue and underlined.
> `-----

Here it works correctly when MicroEd (Microstar compatible) is 
selected as default editor for text. When I switch to Windows (Windows 
compatible) as default editor for text and reply to your first message 
afterwards the problem you described occurs here too.

Best regards,

Using The Bat! v4.1.11.19 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600 Service Pack 3

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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