Hello Tbbeta,

Voyager is available at  

What's new since the previous voyager 4.2.6:

[*] Sorting by gender in "Pick e-mail addresses" dialog
[-] Some captions or controls didn't fit the windows
[+] Macros that accept date format as the first parameter now can also accept 
the language as the second parameter. If the language is specified, the Windows 
formatting is using.The language can be specified for the following date 
macros: %DATE, %ODATE, %ORcvDate; the date is formatted  according to 
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd317787(VS.85).aspx . Additionally, 
when formatting a date, you can use "L" format specifier to get DATE_LONGDATE. 
For specifying language in time formatting, you can use the following macros: 
%Time, %TimeLong, %OTime, %OTimeLong, %ORcvTime, %ORcvTimeLong, according to  
[-] The Bat! Didn't understand long Generic top-level domains like .info, 
.name, .aero, .asia, .coop, .jobs, .mobi, .museum, .travel, .arpa and .nato.
[-] Fixed a few grammar errors in "Postponed Sending"
[-] Fixed a few typos in the interface
[-] (#0007640) Using the %Postpone macro sees a spell check done twice 
[-] (#0007549) Antivirus plugins sometimes didn't work
[-] It was not possible to create templates without CR/LF at the end
[-] (#0007654) Thai mail unreadable since 4.1.x 
[-] (#0007449) Masterpassword or login windows, didn't appear on the taskbar.
[-] Thai html is diplayed by The Bat! with orphan characters in the end of each 
line; also, the multiline space is too big. 

Best regards,
Maxim Masiutin                          mailto:m...@ritlabs.com

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