Hello Task Control,
On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 00:58:14 -0400 GMT your local time,
which was Wednesday, February 12, 2003, 11:58:14 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,

Task Control wrote:

> Hi tbdev arroba thebat.dutaint.com

>   in http://fyberger.tripod.com/pacspam/pacspam.htm is now avalaible
>   the second public version of pacspam

>   now in english and with suport for multiple languages.

>   please test it, and send my your comments.

1. readme is in spanish....
2. A lot of spam can be intercepted by the addressee being checked...
   No button for it...


Best regards,

Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/6 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

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