I tried the BayesIt Filter and can not get it working. May be it is my
fault but i do not think so. I have done the following steps:

1.) Configured the Program
2.) Added BayesIt to The Bat as Plugin
3.) Started learnengine.exe and imported ~200 Spam Mails and ~300 Ham
4.) Pressed Train RGD
5.) Saved the spamdict.bye and nonspamd.bye

If i get new mails now nothing happens. I think the plugin should sort
the mails... Other problems are if i start learningengine.exe:

1.) If i get new Mails i see 151 new Messages in letters in bank (i do not get so much,
must be from before). If i press Process and Delete for the first mail all
other mails are gone too.

2.) The statistic from the Regarding Base is always empty. Only if i
press train the statistic gets updated.

3.) I can press Generate more than one time and my mails gets added
again and again. (same to the train button)

4.) BayesIt do not save the Kludges Path for me. Only if i edit the
registry by myself it gets saved.



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