Hello dAniel,

An archeological dig discovered that on Thursday, February 5, 2004 at
11:04 GMT +0100, Daniel Hahler [DH] chiseled the following:

J>> The following should work, though with the new scope of regexp
J>> definitions, I'm not entirely sure.

DH> It does. Great idea.

Excellent, I'm glad it works.

DH> what's with '%___'? Seems to act only for indenting.. never seen this
DH> before..

That's correct. I've just used a dummy variable __. Since I never
initialized __ to contain anything, it spits out an empty string, ie
does nothing. So it is only there for making the template easier to
read. If I remember correctly, Carsten should get credit for that

DH> I'll stick with the first suggestion, because only the nested
DH> RegexpPattern has to be edited for a new mailinglist. And I find it
DH> smarter.

Sure.  Use whatever works best for you.  Personally I think I like the
variable one the most.  But that's just me.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal


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