OK, it looks like we are at TPM 1.2.

TXT.ERRORCODE: 0xc00010c1

It is a XEON CPU E5 2660 v3 @ 2.60GHZ.  It looks like it loads the SINIT 
/ AC module loads from the BIOS.

As for chipset:  Intel Corporation C610/X99

How do you find the PS and AUX NVRAM index?

Also I am not implementing any policies, at least not on purpose.

On 09/02/2016 11:12 AM, Sun, Ning wrote:
> *Intel: https://github.com/01org/TPM2.0-TSS
> *TSS2 based tpm2-tools: https://github.com/01org/tpm2.0-tools
> *IBM: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ibmtpm20tss/
> Regards,
> -NIng
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dr. Greg Wettstein [mailto:g...@wind.enjellic.com]
> Sent: Friday, September 02, 2016 6:51 AM
> To: Brian E Luckau <bluc...@sgi.com>; 'tboot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net' 
> <tboot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: Re: [tboot-devel] reset after GETSEC[SENTER] on redhat platforms
> On Sep 1,  5:11pm, Brian E Luckau wrote:
> } Subject: Re: [tboot-devel] reset after GETSEC[SENTER] on redhat platforms
>> Hi,
> Good morning Brian, I hope your day is starting out well.
> Also greetings to Safayet from GE who I see responded downthread as well.  I 
> will integrate his comments below.
>> Whever we use tboot 1.9.4 on platforms such as RHEL 7.3 beta, or
>> CentOS 7.2, with Intel TXT enabled in the BIOS, it reboots constantly
>> and the last thing we see before the reboot is:
>> TBOOT: setting MTRRs for acmod: base=0x7bf00000, size=0x20000,
>> num_pages=32
>> TBOOT: The maximum allowed MTRR range size=256 Pages
>> TBOOT: executing GETSEC[SENTER]...
>> In centOS 7.2, if I disable Intel TXT in the BIOS then at least the OS
>> is able to boot to completion.
>> Is this a known issue?
> Welcome to SMX development and debugging... :-)
> As Safayet commented, the last line is the tboot hypervisor issueing the 
> SENTER leaf instruction to initiate execution of the Authenticated Code 
> Model.  Since the ACM is specifically designed to prevent it from being 
> debugged or examined, the only information available is if the ACM deigns to 
> place an errorcode in the TXT.ERRCODE SMX register.
> Unfortunately we are tracking a similar problem (ACM platform reset on
> GETSEC[SENTER]) where the TXT.ERRCODE register never gets updated, which 
> gives one virtually nothing to go on.  It would be very helpful if you could 
> get the TXT.ERRCODE value for everyone to look at if it is other then zero, 
> if it is zero that would be a significant finding in and of itself.

> Secondly, could you provide a full description of the platform you are 
> attempting to implement your MLE on?  Hardware vendor, processor family 
> (Broadwell, Skylake, other et.al), chipset and whether or not the hardware 
> has a TPM1.2 or a TPM2 chip.  It would also be helpful to know the exact name 
> of the ACM module which you are loading.
> Thirdly, it would be helpful to know if you are implementing a Platform Owner 
> (PO) Launch Control Policy (LCP) and what version and type of the policy you 
> are implementing.  Based on our reading of the TXT/SDM, the lcp2_crtpol 
> utility provided with the tboot distribution is not capable of generating a 
> valid LCPv3 control policy if the ACM is processing it as we believe it 
> should be.
> If you would like to proceed forward independently on debugging this, check 
> to see whether the Platform Supplier (PS) and AUX NVRAM ind (PS) and AUX 
> NVRAM index
> ex locations are defined.  If you are on a TPM1.2 based system the PS index 
> should be at 0x50000001 and the AUX will be at 0x50000002 on platforms which 
> are Ivy Bridge and older and 0x50000003 on platforms after that.  If you are 
> on a TPM2 based system we will be really interested in chatting with you.
> If you have PS and AUX registers defined, delete your PO NVram location and 
> try booting the system only with the PS and AUX indexes/registers.  I believe 
> the standard practice is for OEM board manufacturers to configure an ANY 
> policy in the PS index, which doesn't convey any practical security 
> guarantees but will usually result in a successful MLE.
> Just for the record we have been working for nine months to get a TXT/MLE 
> working on TPM2 based Broadwell platforms.  To spare everyone some anguish 
> there is no support for manipulating or managing TPM2 based NVram indexes in 
> the tboot package.  We built tooling on top of a library which we created 
> from the TSE utilities which Ken Goldman's lab at IBM has released.
> We are currently seeing the same system reset on GETSEC[SENTER] which Brian 
> is reporting.  The reset only occurs if a PO policy is supplied, which is 
> leading us to believe that the ACM processing of an LCPv3 PO policy is 
> flawed.  As I noted above the tboot utilities are not capable of producing a 
> valid policy, at least according to our read of the documentation.
>> --Brian Luckau
> I hope the above information is useful.  Be glad that you are not trying to 
> do SGX development as that is a completely different can of worms.... :-)(
> We will be interested in your findings.
> Have a good holiday wekeend.
> Greg
> }-- End of excerpt from Brian E Luckau
> As always,
> Dr. G.W. Wettstein, Ph.D.   Enjellic Systems Development, LLC.
> 4206 N. 19th Ave.           Specializing in information infra-structure
> Fargo, ND  58102            development.
> PH: 701-281-1686
> FAX: 701-281-3949           EMAIL: g...@enjellic.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Those who will not study history are doomed to debug it."
>                                  -- Barry Shein

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