> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Moore (pmoore2) <pmoo...@cisco.com>
> Sent: Friday, November 8, 2019 11:19
> To: lukasz.hawry...@linux.intel.com; Gilbert, Travis
> Cc: tboot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [tboot-devel] Creating a TXT/tboot policy suitable for a modern
> system with TXT+TPM2
> On Fri, 2019-11-08 at 12:47 +0100, Lukasz Hawrylko wrote:
> > For TPM2.0 LCP generation there is a Python tool lcp-gen2 that is
> > included in tboot's source code. To be honest I didn't try to generate
> > LCP with tboot's VLP inside but it should work. If not - this is a bug
> > and need to be fixed.
> >
> > lcptools-v2 will is not maintained, any new features like new signing
> > algorithms will not be included there, so I suggest not to use it for
> > new designs. We are actively improving lcp-gen2, if there is something
> > that is missing in your opinion please let me know.
> A few problems come to mind with lcp-gen2 all of which are blockers:
> * I see references to upgrading to newer versions of Python 2.x, but nothing
> about upgrading to Python 3.x; with Python 2.x going EOL in a few months
> this needs to happen very soon.
> * No documentation.  This is a general problem with the tboot
> code/tools: there is very little documentation, and what does seem to be
> present is mostly wrong or incomplete.
> * The lcp-gen2 tool appears to be intended mostly as a GUI tool, and I need a
> CLI tool.  It looks like there might be some sort of "batch build" available 
> from
> the command line, but I don't see any further explanation or documentation
> on this ability.
> You mention that lcp-gen2 is being actively improved, is this happening
> offline?  The last commit I see is to the sf.net repo for lcp-gen2 is over six
> months old.
> If these issues can't be resolved within the next month or two, is there any
> reason why we couldn't continue to make changes to the lcptools-v2 tools?
> -Paul

I'm with Paul. I strongly disagree with discontinuing support for lcptools-v2.

lcp-gen2 requires that you have a Window Manager installed. It requires 
clicking around in a GUI. Both of these limit its use. The most important thing 
it limits is the ability to script LCP creation like I have done. When I give 
someone else an LCP to use, instead of a 10 page document with pictures that 
walks them through clicking everything in lcp-gen2, with lcptools-v2, I can 
just say "Run this script." If that script doesn't error out, then I *know* 
that the LCP was correctly created. In the lcp-gen2 case, I have to have the 
user send me the LCP and other intermediate files and compare them with what I 
expect in order to figure out whether something went wrong or not. 
Troubleshooting for a script is simpler. If for some reason they can't copy & 
paste the console output with the error (very easy), I can have the user run 
the script again while redirecting the output to a file, and then send me the 

I also have philosophical issues with GUI-only, mostly that it violates the 
UNIX philosophy of "Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a 
universal interface." My evidence for why this should be considered consists of 
my previous paragraph and Paul's concerns.

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