Hello Peter,

   On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 23:01:11 +0100 (28.11.2001 03:01 my local time)
   you wrote about "TheBat! Loganalyzer - First Alpha Version"
   at least in part:

PP>The problem is: I still don't have _exact_ patterns I can
PP> parse for as it seems the log file entries are in the same language
PP> TheBat! is in while creating them.
I believe, it haven't any value... Let's see at account string

 >23.11.2001, 19:08:56: FETCH - received message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2987 bytes) 
 >(processed by "MyMail", "TB", moved to "\\Lists\TB")
 >28.11.2001, 03:25:03: FETCH - received message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (4893 

What I can say:

for incoming messages (you handle only this type, and
it's bad :-)) first char is ">" only, _always_

word with "@" is from address _always_ too

text inside first brackets is size _always_

if there are not second brackets pair - there are not filters in work

filters and destination folders can be _easy_ detected and separated
They are _always_ inside_ second brackets, they have from '"name of"'
and _folders_ have char "\" in name... I'm not sure (and too lazy to
test now - 4 am) is it possible to have "\" in filter name, but,
anyway, it must work as first draft

PP>  So if somebody changes the language
PP> the log changes too ... from that position on forward!
I tried to show you, that it can't change nothing in good-planned algo

PP> Next problem is I don't know how detailed the output should be ... is
PP> 'Date' really necessary? Or 'From'? Or 'Destination' (folder)?
No ideas :-)... I use eyes on logs, in hard cases - grep | gawk :-)...
It's enough for me
Best regards,
 Alexander Leschinsky

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