Some of us here use both TB! and the EccoPro PIM. Others on the Tom
Hoots Ecco list are looking for a way to Integrate EccoPro w/ an
email client. Naturally, I recommended TB!

As is, since TB! is my default MAPI agent, Ecco will call TB! for
generating email and fill in the address with the email address
given in the active Ecco Phonebook Item and will summon a TB! View
Window when a message as saved (i.e. as an *.ëml or *.msg) and
linked to Ecco via OLE2.

Additional automation is desired by some. However, since TB!
messages are not individual items but rather, contained in each
folder's message data base, each and every message will have to be
saved individually, in order to provide full integration with Ecco.

I suggested that a TB! filter &/or macro W/ regex's capable of
generating an *.ëml or *.msg file and linking that file to the
appropriate Ecco Phonebook record could possibly be created.

What do some of you advanced TB! users think about the feasibility
of that?



 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

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