Hello David,

   On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 13:31:01 +0100 (24.06.2003 18:31 my local time)
   you wrote about "Forward Template"
   at least in part:

AL>> And maybe I'm full stupid, but... I can't see any sense in preserving
AL>> msgid :-(

DE> Thread by reference. :)
I'm too kazy for tricks, I simply use MIME-forward (extract original
isn't big task, bug From field doesn't confuse recipient)

From my POV - From checked first and it cat produce some "side-effect" -
"Goddam, why this <...> wrote to _me_"???
Best regards,
 Alexander Leschinsky

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is 
not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...'
Isaac Asimov


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