on Sun, 8. Aug 2004 at 19:20:31 -0400 Cricket wrote:

>>> Any way to search for a "null" body in a message, or no body in a
>>> message with TB?
d>> Have you tried using a manual filter with the RegExp '^$' for 'Text'?
> That would match any message that has a blank line in it .. like this
> one. It has 5 blank lines.

You're right. This is because of multiline mode, so this RegExp would do
it instead:

probably it may be good to allow whitespace-only in the body:

GnuPG/PGP key: http://thequod.de/danielhahler.asc
Lifted with The Bat! 2.12.03 on Windows XP Service Pack 1.
Random software tip: [***] WinAmp Advanced Controls



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