Hello Terry,

> But I _cannot_ get TB! to shut down.

I have this problem, too. The only way I can shut TB! is to reboot.
It's inconceivable that such an action should be necessary under W2K
SP4, but there's no way to kill the task. I can't do it with Task
Manager and "KILL -F" at the command line doesn't work, either.

AFAICT, the problem is caused by a very bad interface between TB! and
NAV. (I'm using NAV 2002.) Before I configured NAV to scan incoming
e-mail, I *never* had this problem. However, blaming the problem on
NAV is too easy. It's TB! that I can't kill as a process; I firmly
believe that there's no good reason for this other than some very
sloppy programming.

> Has anyone found a solid solution to this?

I have noticed that the problem is most likely to occur after I resume
the PC from standby. If I use the browser to connect to any web site
first and *then* start up TB!, the freezing problem does not occur or,
at least, seems to occur less often.

regards, Andy

[Using The Bat! 1.62r under Windows 2000 Pro SP4
 on a "made from scratch" P4-2.4 GHz/512 MB RAM]



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